Techie parents who are faced with the huge challenge of finding an appropriate daycare or creche to tend to their little ones, have yet another option in place now as a new daycare and preschool service has been started at the near Technopark. ‘Cutie Pies Daycare and Preschool’ – A techie started day-care and preschool centre will be opened near Technopark Phase III on August 22, 2016. The centre provides daycare services as well as after school care up to 8pm to support techie parents working odd hours. The daycare and preschool operates from 8 am to 8 pm.
“We specialize in providing a warm and loving atmosphere for your loved ones. We are dedicated to provide a safe, nurturing, environment with a developmental approach to learning. Since I’m a Techie, I know the pain points and concerns of the techie parents, and we devised this as to address all of them and provide an excellent experience for them ”, Cutie Pies team said.
Enrollment is open for kids upto age 6.
The daycare and preschool will be open on Saturdays too and is located at:
T/C-2/2309 (2).
Thottumugham Mukkolakkal,
Kazhakuttom Trivandrum