A smart space in the lap of nature
Embracing the blessings of nature is the real art of living. The techies of Technopark Kollam enjoy real bliss of its ambiance, which is a miraculous gift bestowed upon them by the Great Ashtamudi lake. The pleasure of living in the banks of Kerala’s second largest river that stretches it arms with cool breezes […]

Technomall awaits for that fresh outset
Technomall, the commercial space in Technopark Phase I compound is getting wide responses from commercial firms, which keep knocking at its door for an entry. With the extensive interests from commercial firms and techies, the park authorities are planning to renovate the mall by including facilities like food joints and multiplex theaters. The CEO of […]

The award distribution ceremony of Srishti 2015
The Winners of Srishti 2015, conducted by Prathidhwani – Socio-Cultural Organization of Technopark, were announced during the award distribution ceremony which was held on 16th November’15 at Travancore Hall, Technopark. Sri Subhash Chandran (Well-known Malayalam Writer, Vayalar Award & Kendra Sahithya Academy Award Winner) was the Chief Guest and distributed awards to the Winners. He […]

An innovative car gadget and road safety platform ‘Raksha SafeDrive’, developed by Elsys Intelligent Devices Private Limited, a startup incubated at the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM), has raised US $ 5048 in two weeks through online crowd funding platform Kickstarter. Raksha SafeDrive is a smart road safety platform enabled by the electronics, Internet of Things […]

Voting started for Reader’s Choice Awards for Srishti 2015
‘Srishti-2015’, a creative writing festival in English and Malayalam for employees of Technopark, has entered its final stage with around 200 entries shortlisted for the awards. The entries are also available on our website for a Reader’s Choice award. Around 200 entries were received for Technopark’s one and only writing competition conducted by Prathidhwani namely […]

India’s first Research and Innovation Lab on Cyber Threat Resilience launched at IIITM-K, Trivandrum
India’s first Research and Innovation Lab on Cyber Threat Resilience (CRICTR) was launched at IIITM-K, Trivandrum by Dr. Gulshan Rai, National Cyber Security Co-ordinator, Govt. of India and Mr Madhavan Nambiar, IAS (Rtd), Chairman of the Board of Directors, IIITM-K during the International Workshop on Cyber Threat Resilience held at Technopark, Trivandrum on 13th October […]

MINDCARTER started It’s business operation @ Technopark
MINDCARTER a consulting firm which provides psychological services to corporates has started its business operations in Technopark, Trivandrum on Oct 23rd 2015. It was inaugurated by Sri G Vijayaraghavan, founder CEO of Technopark. The company launched its operations with an innovative and first of its kind program called ‘Theater for corporates’. Program was a success with participation […]

Intel® Tech Challenge – Kerala
Intel® Tech Challenge – Kerala is a specially designed programme jointly initiated by Intel® Technologies and Kerala Start up Mission. The objective is to get young children To develop an interest in design, discovery, coding and develop their computational skills through play and learn activities. To give wings to their creativity. To inculcate a spirit […]

Gartner recognition for Technopark based Attinad Software
Gartner, leading analyst firm has named Technopark, Trivandrum based Attinad Software Pvt. Ltd as a ‘Vendor to Watch’ in the upcoming mobile product space of Rapid Mobile Application Development framework. Attinad Software, a leader in SMACT (Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud and IoT) space.”This is a huge benchmark for our Cantiz Mobility platform which is being used by fortune 500 […]

Sri.P Vijayan IPS handed over the Prathidhwani Education Scholarship to the students
Prathidhwani, the Socio-Cultural Organization of Technopark employees, initiated an education support programme called Prathidhwani Education Scholarship Scheme ( PES 2015 ) to help excellent students from poor financial background. Official inauguration of the program – PES held at Park Center of Technopark on 14th October 2015. The PES 2015 was inaugurated by Sri P Vijayan […]