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How to become a web3 Developer

How to become a web3 Developer

The introduction of web3.0 has shattered the idea of the internet, which we have all known for a long time. The introduction of blockchain technology has changed everything from the usage and ownership of digital assets to financial institutions. Before you begin your journey of becoming a web3 developer, there are a few prerequisites, such […]

Types of Office Spaces

Types of Office Spaces

While much has been written about the post-pandemic workspaces, there is no denying the fact that offices will continue to play a crucial role in our lives. Here’s a deep dive into the types of office spaces and the transitions that will define the future of workspaces.  1) Traditional Office The most basic of office […]

What is NFT, and how do they work?

What is NFT, and how do they work?

An NFT or Non-fungible tokens are one-of-a-kind digital assets that can be bought and sold online; however, they have no tangible form of their own. Therefore, each NFT is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger that is also known as a blockchain. NFT data units may be associated with digital files such […]

Business lessons from top CEOs

Business lessons from top CEOs

Leadership drives business to excel.  A great leader is one who leads from the front. Here are 3 top lessons from famous CEO’s 1. Invest In Your Team “Hire the best for your team,” said Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple. Being a CEO, he said, is not about mastering the ability to wear many hats […]

Tips to improve your public speaking skills

Tips to improve your public speaking skills

Public speaking is an art. To some, it comes naturally; to some others, it takes a bit of preparation. Here are some tips to brush up on your public speaking skills Prepare the points to be presented before the audience. Sound knowledge of the subject or the topic is highly beneficial. Understanding and studying the […]

Myths About Blockchain

Myths About Blockchain

Blockchain, bitcoin, cryptocurrencies – these are the buzzwords now. A blockchain is a distributed digital database that is shared among different stakeholders. However, there are a lot of myths surrounding blockchain. We take a look at the top 3: Blockchain equals Bitcoin. Blockchain is the root technology behind bitcoin. However, it has evolved and is […]

Tips on leadership skills

Tips on leadership skills

Not everyone is born a leader. Leadership is a skill that can be learned and improved upon. Here are some simple tips to be a great leader. Skill 1, Empathy The number one leadership skill is empathy. Be genuine, connect with your team and yet stand tall. It makes you command respect and makes you […]

Things to consider when choosing office space

Things to consider when choosing office space

For most professionals, the office is one of those places where they spend most of their time. Here is a look at the key factors to keep in mind when you search for office space.  Location Client convenience plays a major role when you decide on your office space. Keep in mind that it has […]

Growth of startups in Kerala

Growth of startups in Kerala

At the turn of the century, the young and ambitious made a beeline to the neighbouring cities of Bangalore, Delhi, or Hyderabad with dreams of making it big in the IT world. However, 20 years down the lane, the scenario has changed. Kerala now has a very vibrant Startup Ecosystem. What works in its favour […]

Network Attached Storage(NAS) Solutions for Personal and Official Use

Network Attached Storage(NAS) Solutions for Personal and Official Use

Whether you’re using a personal computer, a home network, or a corporate network, your data isn’t always secure and needs to be protected. Small and medium-sized enterprises can store all of their data in a single location that is secure and accessible from anywhere using NAS. One of the most important features of a NAS […]