Startup Mantra 2014 to be held at Trivandrum
Startup Mantra, a wonderful platform and opportunity for startups, prominent angel investors, ecosysytem players and experienced entrepreneurs in the state to showcase their products and innovations is organised by the Kerala Startups Society. Startup Mantra is going to be held at Thiruvananthapuram on September 13, 2014. The national players of the startup ecosystem, angel investors […]

“Rice Bucket Challenge”- an Onam Challenge for Techies
Technopark is all set to celebrate Onam in a unique and challenging way. The “Rice Bucket Challenge” as an onam campaign totally differs from the famous Ice Bucket Challenge in its purpose and motive. The Technopark, Trivandrum has come up with this challenge for techies to enjoy their Onam in a special way by sharing […]

In-principle approval for Taurus Downtown Technopark project
The prestigious Downtown Technopark project by the US based Taurus Investment Holdings LLC, in Technopark, Trivandrum has got the Kerala Government in-principle approval. The project would see the single largest foreign direct investment in Kerala of about Rs.1, 200 crores. Established in 1976, Taurus is a Real Estate Private Equity Investment and Development Company and […]

10,000 Start-ups programmes – An Asset for Entrepreneurs
Two years back, only about 100 technology start-ups were funded a year, despite the fact that the information technology (IT) services sector had a workforce of three million. But after Nasscom launched the 10,000 Start-ups programme, that number had doubled to 200 start-ups through last year, Rajan Anandan, Google’s India chief, told Business Standard in […]

Thaikkudam Bridge to Rock at Technopark
The highly popular band and trendsetters of Malayalam music industry, Thaikkudam Bridge is arriving soon at Technopark Trivandrum on 28th August 2014 @ Amphitheatre Technopark. The Thaikkudam Bridge live concert is a part of Jalwa – a program by Natana. The music of the band got popularized majorly through social media networking sites and YouTube. […]

YES : Contest For Top Innovative Ideas.
Young Entrepreneurs Summit (#YES) is a flagship initiative aimed at installing entrepreneurship in the minds of students and youth of Kerala. This novel venture by Government of Kerala with the support of Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation (KSIDC) and Industries Department, aims to establish Gods’ Own Country as a vibrant Entrepreneurial State. Highlighting the existing […]

To boost the growth of start-ups in Kerala, the state will formulate a proposal and submit it to the central government to get funds from the Rs. 10,000 crore corpus allocated in the Union Budget to support startups, said P H Kurian, Kerala Industries and IT Secretary. An official of the Industries and IT Department […]

Technopark played host to ‘Technopreneur 14’
IT Minister P.K.Kunhalikutty inaugurated ‘Technopreneur 14’, a workshop organisedby DSIR TePP Outreach cum Cluster Innovation Centre (TOCIC), Technopark in association with the Union Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Kerala IT, Technopark-TBI and Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation (KSIDC), meant for prospective innovators, student innovators, startup companies and MSME clusters. Kerala government has initiated a number of programmes […]

“Technopreneur 14”, a workshop focuses on creating awareness about the ways to transform ideas into reality for the students and individuals basically young entrepreneurs. The DSIR Technopark TePP Outreach cum Cluster Innovation Centre (TOCIC) organises the workshop at the Park Centre of the Technopark campus in Thiruvananthapuram on July 22, 2014, to uplift the youth in entrepreneurship and to […]

T-TBI’s Technology Innovation Zone to model Silicon Valley
The desire and dream for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Silicon Valley is to be arrived soon as Technology Innovation Zone at Kerala. The State plans to offer the same opportunities at Kerala with its ambitious project, Technology Innovation Zone (TIZ). Under the authority of Technopark- Technology Business Incubator (T-TBI) has planned for a […]