Augmented Reality (AR) vs. Virtual Reality (VR): Differences & Applications

Augmented Reality (AR) vs. Virtual Reality (VR): Differences & Applications

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are both exciting fields with a lot of potentials to determine the course of every field out there including gaming, marketing, education, commerce, etc. Both of them are relatively new technologies creating a different experience altogether where you are brought into a virtual world with 3-d visuals. It’s easy to […]

Unified Threat Management (UTM) Solutions for Small to Big Businesses

Unified Threat Management (UTM) Solutions for Small to Big Businesses

The IT industry is constantly challenged with new threats, from malware infecting endpoints and servers to coordinated attacks affecting entire networks. Each type of attack on the IT system necessitates a unique response and plan. This typically causes businesses to invest extensively in securing their vulnerabilities – the bigger the quantity and variety of vulnerabilities, […]

What Are the Latest Innovations in Biometric Technology?

What Are the Latest Innovations in Biometric Technology?

Biometric technology is increasingly becoming ingrained in people’s daily lives worldwide. Many of us use biometric authentication regularly due to mobile device integration. Medicine, finance, marketing research, and various other industries that require personal identity will all benefit from biometric trends in the future. Biometric Security in The Future A lot of biometric services are […]

IoB Explained: What is the Internet of Behaviors?

IoB Explained: What is the Internet of Behaviors?

Internet of Behaviors (IoB) has recently gained traction but has been in the works for nearly as long as the onset of AI. The recent years have witnessed the utilisation of data we have never seen before. With the use of the right tools and the method, data can be utilised to study the past, […]

How Robotic Process Automation (RPA) helps to Improve Customer Service

How Robotic Process Automation (RPA) helps to Improve Customer Service

Robotic Process Automation is a convenient and necessary field in the digital age. What makes the area and technology unique is that it helps to eliminate recurring tasks that required a lot of workforce and person-hours in the past. This means that the human mind and focus can be redirected to more complex problems leaving […]

The Edge: What Does It Mean For Artificial Intelligence?

The Edge: What Does It Mean For Artificial Intelligence?

The field of AI has had a stellar bull run for the past few years taking over all of our lives. AIs are currently running the world from cloud servers and centralised servers. Is this about to change? But what next?  Edge is the new face of Artificial Intelligence, but this is not a groundbreaking, […]

The Metaverse: What It Is, Where to Find it, Who Will Build It.

The Metaverse: What It Is, Where to Find it, Who Will Build It.

Technology has been accelerating at unfathomable rates in recent decades compared to the documented history of more than 3000 years. The digital revolution has even the latest generation by surprise with innovations. From the internet that could send only text, to image-intensive searches, to video calling and video content dominating the social media platforms and […]

Common Startup Mistakes to Avoid to Hit the Ground Running

Common Startup Mistakes to Avoid to Hit the Ground Running

If you dream about entrepreneurship and have an idea for a startup, it’s often exciting to go all-in, but that’s the reason why most of them fail. An excellent idea is not enough for a successful startup. There is a lot more to it, including business aspects, financial aspects and research of the field and […]

Top Quantum Computing Applications

Top Quantum Computing Applications

The shift from digital computing to quantum computing has been compared to the transition from fire to electric bulbs. With extensive advantages over the traditional computing methods, they are expected to revolutionise almost every field in terms of speed and accuracy. Let’s look at some of the most important applications of quantum computing. Machine Learning […]

What Exactly Is 5G Technology? How Will It Transform Our World?

What Exactly Is 5G Technology? How Will It Transform Our World?

Increased speed for data communication is not the only result of implementing 5G all over the world. With many countries adopting 5G faster than ever, there have been many kinds of speculations around the technology and its application. In short, 5G is about to revolutionise mobile communication and various fields of science and technology all […]