Know How to Create Remarkable Experiences for Your Customers

Maintaining a good customer relationship is a core function for any business. A strong customer relationship management takes care of smooth service delivery and helps you in maintaining valuable relationships with your customers. That’s why developing your company’s customer relationship management strategy is a top priority.

Know How to Create Remarkable  Experiences for Your Customers

But managing a healthy customer relationship is a huge challenge and even big companies find it challenging from time to time. It is a major task to manage customer contacts when your sales cycle involves multiple touch points – and contact with multiple team members? With digital media making it possible for consumers to engage with brands across a multitude of channels, companies are faced with increasing challenges in maintaining consistency and streamlining the process of monitoring and managing customer relationships. In fact, in the digital world, traditional CRM does not cut it, and that’s the reason why over the last five years CRM has clearly sailed with the wind.

Customer Relationship Management is as old as commerce itself. However, in the last couple of decades, it has changed to CRM software. Initially, it was largely used by the big enterprises to have generally customer database only. However, with the arrival of newer technologies and concepts like Cloud Computing is catching up with the on-premise ICT solutions, especially Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Social Media integrations, even SMEs have started to take advantage of CRM.

In fact, cheap smartphones with more affordable mobile internet plans helped to take Mobile CRM to the next level. Mobile CRM has completely changed the way CRM is thought and used in India. Now it has become one of the biggest productivity tools for sales and service teams. With all this, CRM is accessible to almost everyone and everywhere in India.


So we have seen that CRM in India has a huge market and it is progressing at a fast pace but to sustain it needs to be customized to suit the Indian consumers.  We can’t simply deploy the arrangements intended for the western countries.  Therefore Indian companies need to have a CRM streamlined on the basis of Indian management principles and practices. Transparency is at the forefront of the changing CRM landscape. Despite a rise in the implementation of CRM in the Indian industries, there exists a further scope for growth.

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